. Aquarium and Pond UV Sterilizer, Clarifier Reviews; Problems

UV Sterilizer Reviews; Information Articles, Ideas, Comments, and Links to even more Resources about how UVC Sterilization works in Aquariums/ Ponds

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Information Articles (Posts), Ideas, Comments, & Links to even more Information about how UV (UVC) Sterilization works in Aquariums/ Ponds.
For a COMPLETE up to date article about aquarium and pond uv sterilization, please visit this site:
UV Sterilization in Aquariums and Ponds; How it works

For all Articles, from basic to advanced, such as UVC, Watts, mW/cm2, please scroll down the Right Side Bar of this site for easy links

Fish Immune Health and UV Sterilizers


Updated 3-10-19

Fish Immune System (Including Anti-inflammatory), Redox, Oxidation, and UV Sterilization

UV Sterilizers, Terminator, Custom, Gamma

I have seen many comments posted in various places on the internet claiming that running a UV Sterilizer 24/7 will weaken the immune system in fish in part by creating a sterile environment.
I have tried to find more information as to how this myth got its start and the best I can come up with is that many are equating UVC radiation (emitted in UV Sterilizers) to Ozone produced by Ozone Generators.


Aquarium Ozone GeneratorFirst even though I have not found an Ozone Generator as effective as most UV Sterilizers for disease control (& Redox), even then when properly used the Ozone is not added to the aquarium.
However more importantly is that a UV Sterilizer keeps ALL UVC irradiation inside the unit and this reaction actually breaks apart free radicals and other oxidizers such as Ozone (similar to the reaction of Ozone and UV light energy in the upper atmosphere of Earth).

What is most important to note is that a properly installed UV Sterilizer will IMPROVE a fish’ immune system by creating a better Reducing Redox environment in the aquarium after water has passed through the sterilizer (providing it is a reasonably good unit such as the TMC Vecton/ Advantage UV Sterilizer, the AAP/SunSun Quality Compacts or other higher efficiency, UV Sterilizers.

See these product resource links:
*AAP/TMC Premium High Dwell Time UV Sterilizers for Aquarium & Ponds(Category A)
*AAP Compact UV Sterilizers/Clarifier (Category B)
*TMC Next Generation Ozone Generator from AAP

Here is a quote from "Aquarium Redox Potential":
"A proper Redox Potential improves the health of humans AND fish. A Redox Potential in the +125 to -200 mV range in human studies has been shown to have the same affect as anti-oxidant preparations such Vitamin C".
As well, a Category A or B UV Sterilizer improves Redox Balance via COSTANT removal of oxidizers in the water column thus DIRECTLT lowering oxidative stress in fish.

This picture of a controlled test where by an oxidizer (Potassium Permanganate) is added to the water demonstrates this ability. The control tank retains the color of the Potassium Permanganate much longer than the tank with just Category B UV Sterilization ('Category A' Sterilization will clear it even quicker, although few aquarium/pond UVs are 'Category A' any more with the AAP Vecton/Advantage one of only a couple of brands):

Aquarium UV Sterilizer lowering oxidative stress in fish

In medical studies the enhanced oxidizing environment can facilitate the binding of pathogens or antigens to effector cells (a type of lymphocyte that are actively engaged in secreting antibodies) leading to a hyper-responsive innate immune system.
Previous work has shown that an oxidizing environment leads to enhanced release of super-oxide and nitric oxide, activation and translocation of nuclear transcription factor and enhanced production of cytokines (proteins and peptides that are signaling compounds produced by animal cells to communicate with one another). The creation of a markedly reduced environment by addition of antioxidants blunts all of the above primary responses of the innate immune system."

In studies using human blood therapy, the use of UVC to irradiate blood, these are just a few of the findings:
*Improved circulation and oxygenation of tissues
*Anti-inflammatory effects
*Stimulation of the Immune System
*Increased Tolerance of the body to Chemotherapy and Radiation
*Cardiovascular protection
*Powerful Anti-Infection Properties
See this article for more: Oxygen Healing Therapies with UVC

It should also be noted that a True UV Sterilizer cannot create a sterile environment as it cannot reach all aspects of the aquarium such as gravel, filter media, and the fish internally!

It is unfortunate that these false statements are still widely circulated, I recommend reading this article about UV Sterilization for more:
Ultraviolet Sterilization in Aquariums and Ponds

Or this article about Aquarium Redox:
Aquarium Redox Potential

Or even this article about Aquarium Calcium, GH, KH, pH (as this is also an important aspect as well to a healthy fish immune system):

Finally, if you have a properly set-up aquarium or pond UV Sterilizer, it is important that you change your UV-C Bulb once per six months for most aquarium applications and once per year for most pond application (six months in warm year round ponds).
See this High output UVC bulb product resource link: PREMIUM High Output UV Lamps/Bulbs for Aquarium/Pond

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Blogger Unknown said...

nice post

12:10 AM  
Anonymous KEVIN JACKSON said...

I should change the bulb then. It has been there for 6 months or more.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Food said...

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3:26 AM  

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